Healthcare Business Plans by EUHealth
EUHealth provides four of the main documents currently published by Hospitals in England.
Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan describes the vision, aims and objectives generally for a 5-year period. It forms a cornerstone of the organisation’s work towards improving the health and wellbeing of local people, supported by the achievement of World ClassCommissioning standards. The focus of the plan is to develop interventions that will improve health and reduce health inequalities between the PCT and England.The Strategic Plan is a statement of the PCT’s vision and aspirations for the future; to focus additional efforts thus ensuring progression towards the improvements they have described.

Annual Report
All PCTs are required to produce an annual report detailing the activities of the trust throughout the previous year. The report contains information on highlights of the year, new health initiatives, future plans and financial performance. It also addresses the challenges which are captured in the Government’s White Paper. The White Paper, ‘Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS’ sets out the future vision for the NHS focused on patients being at the heart of everything the NHS does and in empowering clinicians to deliver results.
World Class Commissioning Report
World class commissioning is about commissioning world class clinical services. By improving commissioning and working closely with local authorities, PCTs will be better able to invest in order to achieve high quality and personalised services that improve health and wellbeing for their local population. It is the expectation that PCTs working with practice based commissioners will take the lead on behalf of their population; to seek out their views as well as assess their needs; and to act as the catalyst for service transformation and health improvement locally. The consequences of such a programme of works will have significant implications upon the PCT’s commissioning strategy and will therefore also need to be reflected within the underpinning financial strategy too.

Healthcare Plans - Financial Strategy
The financial strategy is a key underpinning strategy of the PCT. The financial strategy will set out the financial envelope that is required to deliver the commissioning strategy and will demonstrate areas of risk and sensitivity to achieving this. It will take account of a range of issues including;• Outputs of the Local Delivery Plan and Overarching Health Economy• PCT corporate objectives and the underpinning financial work programme• Progress towards world class commissioning and CFT status over the medium term• Core ‘Professional Standards’ setting out the benchmark standard of performance for financial control, working capital and balance sheet maintenance• Explaining the risks and the opportunities associated with the national and local environmental factors